Mini-news Maison Du Planteur – Rehabilitation of 2 hydraulic pumps
In 2021, Transparence Cacao transformed its fermentation and drying centres in Côte d'Ivoire into "Maisons du Planteur". Each Maison du Planteur has a CSR committee made up of Transparence Cacao team members and local community representatives, including school...
Transparence Cacao publishes its CFI 2023 report !
The Cocoa and Forests Initiative is a collective action to stop cocoa-related deforestation CÉMOI and Transparence Cacao are proud partners of its initiative, driven by the World Cocoa Foundation (WCF), IDH, the Sustainable Trade Initiative and the Governments of Côte...
Transparence Cacao obtains Bureau Veritas recognition certificate
We are pleased to announce that Transparence Cacao has obtained the recognition certificate issued by Bureau Veritas! This achievement is the result of several months of close collaboration between our teams and Bureau Veritas, aiming to validate our sustainable...
Cémoi organises a „Christmas Tree“ for the children of cocoa farmers in Côte d’Ivoire
As part of its Transparence Cacao Programme, Cémoi organised last december in the Maison du Planteur of Grand Béréby a special Christmas Day for the children of cocoa farmers. This initiative, which took place this year for the first time, aims to celebrate children...
Transparence Cacao publishes his CFI 2022 report : The Cocoa and Forests Initiative is a collective action to stop cocoa-related deforestation
The governments of Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana and 35 leading cocoa and chocolate companies, representing 85% of global cocoa usage, have joined together in the Cocoa & Forests Initiative to end deforestation and restore forest areas. Their combined actions play a...
Cacao Ami Des Forêts – Results 2021
The « Cacao Ami des Forêts » (CAF) project was initiated in 2017 to address the deforestation challenge in Ivory Coast, and in addition to address the aging of the farms. In collaboration with ‘Le Conseil du Café-Cacao (CCC), CEMOI promotes a sustainable cocoa culture...
Transparence Cacao publishes his CFI 2020 report. The Cocoa and Forests Initiative: Collective action to stop cocoa-related deforestation
Les gouvernements de Côte d’Ivoire et du Ghana et 35 grandes entreprises du cacao et du chocolat, représentant 85% du commerce mondiale du cacao, ont unis leurs forces dans le cadre de l’Initiative Cacao & Forêts pour mettre fin à la déforestation et restaurer les...
Transparence Cacao rejoint la fondation ICI
Transparence Cacao est désormais membre de l’International Cocoa Initiative en tant que partenaire contributeur, rejoignant ainsi l’organisation et ses partenaires dans la lutte contre le travail des enfants et le travail forcé dans la chaîne d’approvisionnement du...
CSR Report 2019-2020
Ce rapport RSE dresse un état des lieux de nos accomplissements, de nos projets en cours ainsi que les challenges sociaux et environnementaux de notre secteur. Il constitue également notre COP (Communication on Progress) du Global Compact et matérialise notre...